You are currently viewing 5 different points between false and real gynecomastia

5 different points between false and real gynecomastia

  • Post category:mammoplasty

We will shed light on the most important points separating between true and false gynecomastia, and what are the cases that are not classified as gynecomastia cases, but are merely fatty accumulations that cause a change in the shape and size of the breast in men, and whether gynecomastia is real or false, this problem is one of the most embarrassing problems for men.

Gynecomastia in men can be treated by removing it permanently after conducting medical examinations and applying the conditions of plastic surgery, and the patient must, after performing them, print the doctor’s advice and follow-up medically until complete recovery.

What is false gynecomastia?



Not all men who suffer from a large breast size than normal suffer from the problem of gynecomastia, some of them suffer from a condition called false gynecomastia, and in this case the chest area of ​​the man suffers from accumulations of fatty tissue that accumulate behind or under the nipples and around them, and infection with it makes men vulnerable to many Psychological problems such as embarrassment and depression as a result of changing the shape of the body, which makes a man vulnerable to bullying, in addition to some health problems.

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False gynecomastia test

Of course, when diagnosing cases of false or true gynecomastia, it will require a visit to a doctor to conduct a test and confirm the matter and then start the correct stages of treatment. The test for false gynecomastia includes the following steps:

  1. The doctor asks about your family’s medical history and about the diseases you suffer from.
  2. The doctor learns about the medications the patient is taking that can increase the risk of developing gynecomastia.
  3. A clinical examination is done to find out if there are lumps in the breast area, or secretions from the nipple, or problems with the skin.
  4. The doctor also asks the patient to perform some tests, including a comprehensive blood test, and a mammogram.
  5. In some cases, the doctor asks for accurate examinations, such as breast magnetic resonance imaging, computerized tomography, and ultrasound imaging of the testicle.
  6. Based on these tests, the patient is diagnosed with true gynecomastia or false gynecomastia, and then the optimal treatment method is determined that will rid the patient of this problem forever in a safe and effective manner.

Signs of false gynecomastia

There are some signs that a person notices on his body that may be signs of pseudo-gynecomastia:

  • Enlarged breasts by the same amount, or one breast is larger than the other.
  • Feeling of pain in the chest area.
  • Minor swelling in the chest.

Often in cases of false gynecomastia, secretions do not come out from the nipple, as is the case in cases of true gynecomastia, because the reason for the large breast size is the accumulation of fat and not a hormonal imbalance, and it is necessary to urgently visit the doctor for the correct diagnosis.

Treatment of false gynecomastia in men without surgery

  1. The plan for false gynecomastia in men without surgery includes a set of steps that, when followed, will get rid of this problem in a simple and easy way, the most important of which are:
  2. Lose weight through exercise and a healthy diet to get rid of the accumulated body fat and thus reduce the size of the breast.
  3. Focus on push-ups and exercises that tighten the chest area to quickly get rid of this accumulated fat.
  4. In some cases, the doctor may advise her to undergo liposuction sessions through the latest treatment techniques such as Vaser or G-plasma, which are done without surgery and through which the chest area is sculpted and made better.

Getting rid of gynecomastia in men

When making sure that the patient’s condition is real gynecomastia, the doctor takes all necessary measures to treat the problem of hormonal imbalance in the right way by developing a treatment plan that includes:

  • Treatment of diseases that caused the infection of the breast.
  • Stop taking medications that increase the problem of gynecomastia.
  • Use of hormonal therapy to reduce estrogen and increase testosterone.
  • Resorting to gynecomastia surgery, in which the glandular tissue is removed.

Real gynecomastia symptoms

Breast size is larger than normal and the person suffers from sagging skin in the chest.

  • A difference in the size of one breast from the other.
  • Swelling and ulceration.
  • Minor pain in the chest area.
  • Discharge from the nipple.

Gynecomastia process

Real gynecomastia cases are treated with two basic steps, a breast reduction operation, and the next stage is a breast lift operation.

The first step: removal of gynecomastia in men:

  1. The first step is to give the patient complete or partial anesthesia, depending on the case.
  2. The plastic surgeon makes incisions under the armpit or around the nipples to perform the surgery.
  3. Then the doctor removes the excess glandular tissue of the required size.
  4. Mostly this procedure takes one to two hours.

The second step: Male breast liposuction, which is done through:

  1. In this step, the doctor relies on modern treatment techniques such as vaser or laser to remove excess fat and tighten skin sagging.
  2. The doctor also uses the vaser technique to sculpt and mark the chest area to look perfectly like athletes and celebrities, and to highlight the chest muscles.

The most important tips after gynecomastia surgery


There are many tips that a plastic surgeon can give to anyone who has undergone gynecomastia surgery so that he can get the best treatment result, including:

  1. Wearing a medical corset, which helps speed wound healing and provide support to the body and tissues, and reduces swelling and pain, and the period of wearing the corset lasts from 4 weeks to 8 weeks according to the doctor’s decision.
  2. Walking after surgery approximately every two hours to reduce the risk of clots and swelling at the site of the wound.
  3. Follow a healthy, fat-free diet to maintain the results of the procedure and avoid gaining weight.
  4. Massaging the chest area and doing a light massage helps to recover faster.
  5. Avoid doing physical exertion so as not to affect the results of the operation negatively.
  6. Ensure that the wound is constantly clean and sterilized, and apply lotions and ointments that the doctor prescribed.
  7. Avoid wearing tight clothing during the recovery period.
  8. Avoid showering with hot water and exposure to steam for a long time

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