We started a series of episodes to answer questions from our followers. Now with a new episode about Brazilian butt lift and body sculpting, and answers from Dr. Ali Gaber, the best plastic surgeon in Egypt. To help provide full information for those wishing to undergo plastic surgery or follow-up questions after plastic surgery.
What is the Brazilian butt lift?
Having a BBL in Sept. At my age how do I prepare and what food should I be eating? So,What is the Brazilian butt lift? A Brazilian butt lift involves taking fat from another part of your body that you simply want to shrink — like your love handles or thighs — and transferring it to your buttocks. Your doctor then shapes the fat to make it look attractive. It is a popular cosmetic improvement that will leave you feeling more toned and younger. Be aware that it can take up to eight weeks to be ready to sit comfortably, so make sure you are able to go a day without work and have someone who can help take care of your youngsters.
Tips for organizing the Brazilian butt lift procedure
Eat a healthy diet
- Eating a healthy diet is very important to your overall health, but it is even more important when preparing for a Brazilian butt lift procedure.
- It is better to be at or close to your ideal weight in order to maintain the results of a butt lift for a long time.
- If you lose or gain weight after the procedure, you are likely to lose or gain weight in the buttocks similarly, both of which may have a negative impact on your results.
Exercise before a butt lift the Brazilian way
- It is an honest idea for girls to specialize in a daily exercise regimen to maximize the results of a Brazilian butt lift.
- Performing squats, lunges and other butt-building exercises all add your favorites to provide smooth and toned buttocks.
Develop a practical exercise plan after the Brazilian butt lift operation
- Whether or not you did not start exercising before buttock augmentation, you must have an exercise regimen that is able to start as soon as you are allowed to start exercising.
- Working out your buttocks muscles is vital to help bring out your butt lift results, but don’t overthink your plans.
- Emphasize that it is something you will realistically pursue in the future.
Don’t smoke
- After all, dr. Ali recommends his patients not to smoke, just for their overall health, but whether or not they are unable to completely quit smoking, his patients should take a clear break from smoking 3 weeks before and after.
- Brazilian Butt Lift, Smoking can affect the results of your operation and cause complications during surgery and recovery.

Finish your tasks before the operation
- Women who are preparing for a Brazilian butt lift surgery should make sure to try shopping, cleaning, and childcare before the procedure.
- This can make a big difference during your recovery as you have to rest and can be limited in what you can and cannot do for several weeks.
Stop taking medications that may interfere with the surgery
- If Dr. Ali wants you to stop taking certain medications before the procedure, be sure to try to do so.
- This is often for your own safety, as some medications can cause severe bleeding during surgery.
Get the right clothes
Before your Brazilian butt lift, be sure to discover some loose and comfortable clothing that you can wear during the procedure and later, during the recovery period.
Get answers to all your questions
While Dr. Ali is very meticulous during every appointment you spend with him prior to the procedure, it is still important to ask every question you have regarding a Brazilian butt lift. Don’t wait until the day of your surgery to have your questions answered.
Prepare financially
Before scheduling a Brazilian butt lift, women should speak with a member of our plastic surgery team about payment and financing options. We offer several options to best suit your needs, but you must have settled before your procedure.
Read more: Liposuction cost in Egypt

Will liposuction help get rid of fat so I can maintain the weight?
One of the most important things to know about liposuction is that it is not designed as an alternative to weight loss surgery, weight loss surgery, or traditional weight loss methods. The ideal candidates for liposuction are indeed those who are near a healthy and stable weight before scheduling the procedure.
The main purpose of liposuction is to get rid of the fat that has become stubborn despite the use of diet and exercise.
More than 5,000 cc (10-11 lb) of fat is often safely removed in a single liposuction procedure, although this does not always indicate the same amount of weight loss on the scale.
However, many patients become very motivated to continue their liposuction results through diet and regular exercise, often resulting in more weight loss.
Do I have to lose weight before liposuction?
Reaching a healthy weight before liposuction is a vital part of the process, and a few patients believe that following a strict diet before the procedure will help them achieve more dramatic results.
In fact, maintaining a stable weight is one of the key components to achieving a good and long-lasting result after liposuction, and sometimes, rapid weight loss before the procedure will return faster after surgery and may significantly harm your results.
Liposuction patients are encouraged to be at or near their target weight, in the range of about 10-20 pounds, and to maintain this constant weight for at least 6-12 months prior to surgery.
Read more: Questions about liposuction surgery
Is liposuction permanent?
The specific fat cells removed during liposuction will not return, which means that many patients consider the procedure permanent, and it is important to know that although the fat is permanently gone, new fat cells will be created in the same area.
Moreover, neighboring fat cells can increase in size, and the best way to maintain the results of liposuction for as long as possible is to avoid weight gain and pregnancy, which can seriously harm your results.
We have discussed in this article everything related to Brazilian butt lift surgery, liposuction, and weight loss. We hope that we have helped in answering most of your inquiries with a promise to continue answering any receiving questions.
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