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Questions & answers about Breast reduction surgery

Questions & answers about Breast reduction surgery

Breast reduction surgery ranked first in all plastic surgery procedures in terms of satisfaction with the results with Dr. Ali Gaber and how positive and profound the results of breast reduction on their lives were as it generated pain and discomfort, and prevented you from performing the daily activities you participate in if your breasts are really big. Let’s take a look at some of the frequently asked questions women ask about breast reduction surgery. To learn more about the procedure itself, follow this article.

Do I need breast reduction surgery?

You may be a suitable candidate for breast reduction if you have:

  • Breasts that are very large and feel out of proportion to the rest of your body.
  • The heaviness of the breast results in pain in the neck, back, and shoulders.
  • The presence of marks on your shoulder caused by the straps of the bra.
  • Because of the large size of the breasts, you find it difficult to engage in exercises and other conditions of daily life.
  • Low self-confidence due to large breasts that attract unwanted attention.

Does breast reduction surgery relieve my neck, back and shoulder pain?

It means reducing breast size due to problems and heaviness affecting your neck, shoulders, upper and lower back. So, your breasts should be lighter and your posture should also improve after the surgery, since you no longer have to carry your big breasts again and this will definitely help you not to have shoulder, neck and back pain and there will also be less stress.

Questions & answers about Breast reduction surgery
Questions & answers about Breast reduction surgery

What techniques are used in breast reduction surgery?

For oversized breast reduction, the anchor shape (inverse-T) is the technique that provides elegant results most of the time. Other techniques have been suggested and used but I find they are of limited use with often undesirable results including the complex final shape of the breast, nipple, nipple areola, and visibility and position of the scar.

Techniques that reduce the number of direct scars and are somewhat invisible with breast reduction are used in liposuction.

How do I prepare for breast reduction surgery?

You must stop smoking several weeks before the breast reduction surgery.

  •  Follow your surgeon’s instructions roughly.
  •  Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory medications, and herbal supplements because they may increase the risk of bleeding.
  • Do not eat for 12-18 hours before surgery.
  • Get a mammogram before surgery and other bones after surgery to help remove any unborn changes in the breast.
Can I order a specific breast size?

Yes, you can definitely order a certain size for breast reduction but that doesn’t mean you’ll end up with that size. However, there are many reasons for this. In any case, you’ll likely be relatively elated with the results of the surgery.

As there is no specific breast size or shape that can be expected in addition, there are personal factors involved.

Is it possible to use breastfeeding after breast reduction surgery?

Yes, breastfeeding is possible, but in a certain approach that you can implement most of the time, which is if breast reduction surgery is done with a technique in which the nipple and areola remain attached to the supporting breast tubes and ducts, however, the amount of milk may be reduced mainly.

But with a breast reduction technique where the nipple and areola are completely removed and replaced again as a graft during surgery, known as the “nipple graft” method, you will not be suitable for breastfeeding.

Will I still feel sensation in my nipples after breast reduction surgery?

For women with large breasts or who are breastfeeding and significantly reduced sensation in their nipples this will not be a problem, but for women who have nipple sensation which is important to them, the use of the nipple and areola removal technique is avoided if possible.

When can I practice my work after breast reduction surgery?

After breast reduction, most cases experience mild discomfort, although some experience more discomfort. Many cases take little painkillers, and some take several days or longer.

Thus, how you feel, whether or not you take pain medication, and what your job entails, including conditions of physical exertion, will determine when you can return to work.

Still, you may only need several days before you can return to work, as if you are in a stable job in an office, you may only need 4 to 5 days.

Jobs that handle a lot of heavy lifting, constant physical exertion, or repetitive arm movements should be avoided for two weeks or more.

What actions should I take if the expected results are not satisfactory?

Complications or problems are rare after breast reduction surgery with Dr. Ali Gaber, but it is possible that you are not satisfied with the results. The best way to prevent this problem is to choose a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon and have realistic expectations about the expected outcome.

If you’ve had breast reduction surgery with unsatisfactory results in the past, revision surgery may be done, in which plastic doctors explain your options for revision surgery.

All your questions must be answered by the surgeon who has been selected again and not to undergo any cosmetic procedure, if you are not comfortable with the doctor’s answers, you should move to another plastic surgeon as per your expectations.

How old should you be during breast reduction surgery?

Breast reduction surgery is considered one of the cosmetic procedures suitable for all age groups, as there are no specific conditions for age, but you must wait until the breast stops growing, and a woman who has given birth to a child waits for a year after giving birth to undergo breast reduction surgery. One of the contraindications that prevents a woman from performing a breast reduction is if she suffers from blood thinners.

Do I have to follow a special diet after breast reduction surgery?

After surgery it is recommended to:

  • Drink plenty of fluids after surgery to get rid of the anesthetic effect on the body.
  • Eating pineapple, celery or fruit juice helps a lot in healing wounds and making them heal more quickly.
  • It is best to reduce salt intake for a while after surgery so that swelling does not increase.

Should a medical corset/bra be worn after a breast lift operation?

Yes! Make sure to use a medical bra after the procedure to get the best results. These bras restrict the movement of the breast, which prevents stitches, pain, breast tissue damage, and other risks. Your doctor may recommend wearing a medical bra immediately after surgery. However, the time to use a medical bra is often after the drain tubes have been removed and when the breasts no longer need bandages.

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