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the problem of uneven breasts

Solve the problem of uneven breasts

  • Post category:mammoplasty

Solve the problem of uneven breasts is one of the most common problems among women, girls and adolescents, which is a difference in the shape and size of the breast, and one of its forms is that the right breast is larger than the left breast or vice versa, and the difference may not be noticeable, but the large size of one breast over the other is a problem that leads This leads to women’s lack of self-confidence, so if you want to know the solution to the problem of uneven breasts, you can continue to read the article.

What is the problem of unequal breasts?

the problem of uneven breasts
the problem of uneven breasts

Women discover the problem of uneven breasts when they notice that they are not identical with each other in size (the right breast is larger than the left breast or vice versa), or a difference in shape, which can be observed from the unevenness of the nipple area and areola brown with the other breast, and this is a very common condition It affects more than half of the women, so many are trying to find the best treatment solutions.

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Causes of asymmetric breasts

Many breast changes occur in appearance and size during puberty or hormonal changes that occur during ovulation and pregnancy. Women can also experience changes in the shape and size of one breast when compared to the other as a result of congenital defects, or excessive growth of one of them, which is called (enlargement).

There are some other reasons for the uneven breast size, the most important of which are:

  • Incidence of breast cancer.
  • Breastfeeding.
  • The woman was subjected to a strong shock in the chest area.
  • Use of hormonal contraceptives.
  • Poland Syndrome.

The medical solution to the problem of unequal breasts

Unequal breast size is one of the problems that has more than one medical solution, and this is determined according to the situation after examination and finding out the reasons for the difference in breasts. Among the most important medical solutions are:

Breast augmentation

In the event that the woman suffers from atrophy in the size of the breasts, the breast augmentation procedure is performed through various implants that are placed behind the breast tissue to obtain a breast size consistent with the other breast.

Breast reduction surgery

the problem of uneven breasts
the problem of uneven breasts

As an alternative to breast augmentation surgery, one breast is reduced and its size adjusted to match the size and shape of the other breast. In this process, sagging breasts are also lifted. This procedure also includes getting rid of excess fat and glandular tissue from the breast. Of course, this helps to get rid of the pain caused by enlargement. Breast size on the back and neck vertebrae.

Breast augmentation surgery

A cosmetic procedure in which breast lift is combined with augmentation or reduction, and the advantage of this process is that it addresses the problem of sagging breasts in addition to the treatment of small size, and this actually enhances the confidence of women in themselves after obtaining an ideal shape and size of the breast.

Preparations before surgery

The first steps of preparing for the operation begin by going to the plastic surgeon. Through the examination, the procedures that take place during the breast plastic surgery are identified. The doctor will ask you to perform some tests, the most important of which are:

  1. A complete blood test.
  2. Mammogram.
  3. You will be asked to stop taking the blood-thinning medication.
  4. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol for a period specified by your doctor.

Surgical procedure

After performing all the tests specified by the doctor, the breast augmentation surgery is performed according to the following steps:

The patient is under general anesthesia.

The doctor treats the problem of unequal breasts in different ways for each case, for example:

  • In the event that one breast is larger than the other, the doctor performs a breast augmentation process through the fillings, in addition to tightening the chest to match its size with the other breast.
  • In the event of sagging of one breast and the enlargement of the other, the doctor performs a breast reduction and augmentation of the other, in addition to raising the chest and adjusting them to fit with each other.
  • After performing the appropriate procedure, the doctor closes the surgical incisions with cosmetic stitches and places small tubes to withdraw the collected fluids.
  • The case is followed up during the recovery period to ensure the patient’s safety, then the stitches are removed.


the problem of uneven breasts
the problem of uneven breasts

Breast augmentation achieves very good results, both psychologically and physically for women, the most important of which are:

  1. Treating the problem of uneven breasts with a very satisfactory result for the majority of women.
  2. Enjoy an attractive and perfect shape for the chest area.
  3. Restoring self-confidence for women.
  4. Getting rid of the problem of sagging breasts and treating cases of breast enlargement.
  5. It is the perfect solution for every woman who wants to have tight breasts.

What are the possible complications from the surgery?

Medical development in treatment techniques has helped to get rid of the problems and complications of many surgeries, and despite the low risk, there are some potential complications while treating asymmetric breasts:

  •  Infection.
  • Bleeding risks.
  • Chest sensation change.
  • scars.
  • Unsatisfactory results for the case.

Breast augmentation prices in Egypt

The prices of plastic surgeries in Egypt vary according to the treatment center and the experience of the surgeon, but in general, breast plastic surgery starts from 1500 US dollars and varies according to the procedures followed in each case. The cost varies from case to case.

At the end of this difference may not be noticeable, but the large size of one breast over the other is a problem that leads this leads to women’s lack of self-confidence, so there’s difference if you want to know the solution to the problem of uneven breasts, you can continue to read the article.

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